The heat of summer meets its match

The heat of summer meets its match

Heaving the mower across his vast lawn, the man grunts in the sweltering 105 degree heat. His shirt soaks in his own perspiration. His fingers grip the burning handle. He wipes his brow with his dirty sleeve. He can feel the beads of sweat running down the course of his spine. His knees feel weak under his heavy, wet weight. Feeling light headed, he turns from the mower towards his house. At the immediate release of the mower, he can hear a sound. A beautiful, refreshing whirl. He uses all of the strength he can muster to lift one foot after another towards that sound. He can hear it getting louder. Taunting him. Urging him further. He can see the shine in the sunlight. The glistening in the air. He takes another step. Another. Another. And then…

Cold. Sweet. Wet. Rejuvenation.

He stands in front of his Portable Misting System Mount and soaks in the release of the 8 nozzle misting ring as it powerfully stands upon its master pump cart.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 at 2:32 am 

24th Nov 2014 Sarah

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