First Place Supply Presents…Real Men of Genius

First Place Supply Presents…Real Men of Genius

Today we solute you Mr. Benner Nawman Insanely Powerful Cutters Guy!

*Mr. Benner Nawman Insanely Powerful Cutters Guy!*

If anyone out there is in the market to cut their car in half or saw holes in the roof so he can breathe, you’ll be there
*Don’t cut off any limbs!*

Your rebar cutters can cut through grade 60 rebar, which will come in handy all the time! When I need to cut through solid steel…
*That’s an everyday occurrence*

A regular hand saw?

I certainly hope not. It would probably take you way too long to cut through all the concrete enforcing steel in your backyard.
*Now it’s getting ridiculous*

So crack open an ice cold (Insert favorite beverage here) oh proprietor of the powerful. Because most cutters can cut wood, but yours can cut the very ground we stand on!

*Mr. Benner Nawman Insanely Powerful Cutters Guy!*

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 

24th Nov 2014 Evan

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